Thursday, July 26, 2012

The latest and greatest in comprehension

So you want to stay up-to-date in different teaching strategies right? You want to keep the students interested? Well you have to make sure you are using comprehension skills when working with multmodal texts in different content areas.
I know what your thinking...what the heck is that?! Well it's probably something you already do and don't even realize it! They are different types of visuals such as models, diagrams, photgraphs, videos that demonstrate what you are teaching about. It's a lot like teaching with the multiple intelligences. You don't want to teach the same way all day long because students learn different ways.
For example, when teaching sound to my students and echos, we look at our science book which shows a model of an echo bouncing off a wall. I have them feel a radio at different volumes to feel the difference. At a later time, when we happen to be walking in the stairwell, I stop and ask them why it's so loud. For once, I'm not looking for the answer "because we are talking." They usually pick up on it and able to infer because their voices are bouncing off the walls causing echos.
We then wrap it up with a Magic School Bus video to compare our information. The students often comment on their own if it's something they already learned.
So next time, when you are planning out your lessons, keep these in mind. The students will love it and I guarantee they will learn!

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